Sweet Dreams
I, Atlas am making my final casting call- but do not try
for the roles have already been cast, our cards barren
The river crossing I bear upon my spine has etched
All the maps you need
Proclaim me a fool for that I am! I will topple each ivory tower in grace
Such that the sky crumbles gently into the sea and you will curse me in my hour of death so that I may be a fool again
But I will not stand among other faithless dilettantes in kind
I will be the new dawn leading a formless war
Those who follow my heavy feet know your nameless, wordless nature and for that reason alone I will turn around countless times to count my daughters because I am to blame.
I trap you in your glistening reflections, your dreams of shining armour.
Never gaze at me though I stare into you and through you.
Endlessly, forever
See the sun at our midway point and witness till your eyes burn red to black and know that is my finest work. A pure, free dream.