Toothpick Caprice

Toothpicks, glue, found objects (2021)

“Toothpick caprice” is small but mighty and embodies that which makes it similar to a musical caprice. It is simple yet ornate in structure and small and obscure in size. Its delicate web of interlocking prisms that mimicked a pine cone, spurs and all. The humble material is subtle reminder of the circle of growth and decay where even at its grossest state, the toothpick foreshadows the potential of a seed as it’s reborn. Works of art have the potential to convey dozens of meanings all at once, but unfortunately, modern design often falls short of that as it only aims to fulfill a single purpose. I have a particular affinity for small space and multifunctional design and see it as a puzzle begging to be improved. Whether that be efficient use of space, manipulations of light, or moving pieces, so much can be done to re-envision a small space. In terms of the caprice, I used the structural toothpicks to build a compact, yet light and airy, form in an organic pattern that both preserves the qualities of its inspiration and is enhanced through artistic whimsy. With imagination and skill, both a storage unit and a toothpick have limitless potential. A toothpick is just a toothpick until it’s not.


The Onion